Michelangelo once said...
"Every block of stone has a statue inside it and it is the task of the sculptor to discover it."
I've always seen it as the perfect conceptualization of weight loss. We are large things with something hidden inside, something beautiful, something that only needs to be uncovered. That is what this blog is about, uncovering the beautiful thing on the inside...what inside the stone.
This blog will attempt to track my progress and life after surgery through pictures and words. All I ask is that you please be patient with me. I'm not a writer but a computer geek and photographer. Regardless, don't be shy to ask questions, I'll be happy to answer anything.
Why I chose Bariatric Sleeve surgery...
I had to come to accept it. I'm a 50 year-old man who has struggled with obesity his entire life. I've had periods of what I call thinness, but they have been nothing more than that, periods. The weight always comes back, and when it does it feels unstoppable, as if no matter what I do it will return. Its kind of like a war, one I'm destined to lose.
I know I'm not alone in having the these feelings; but they are strong, palpable and overwhelming nonetheless.
I finally got brave enough to do something more dramatic, more permanent. Tomorrow I will have bariatric sleeve surgery where my stomach size is reduced to almost nothing. It is a all or nothing attempt to change my life for the better for the last and final time. Given my age, it was time for something more dramatic.
Wish me luck.